The following quotes were submitted by subscribers to the Cannon Beach Together newsletter. To foster the exchange of ideas and avoid personal attacks, these testimonials are presented anonymously. Submit your testimonial here.


“I believe the idea of bypassing voters for this enormous amount of spending is utterly ridiculous. When we voted in the 5 onto the city council it was not a free for all, and the unprecedented amount could never had been imagined. “

“Can’t believe that a project this large can not be voted on by everyone here and not just a select few.”

“We answered yes on every question, and support Cannon Beach Together wholeheartedly!”

“I am grateful that this group has organized... I have had my own ongoing battle with City management; and have grown quite frustrated and discouraged with the lack of integrity I have personally experienced from our City leadership.”

“I’m with you on this! I’m a little frightened with how political it’s getting. I don’t want my business to get dragged through the mud by the loud bullies in town… but I would like to be able to vote on something that impacts the future of my community.”

“I want to join because I believe the citizens of Cannon Beach have a right to be heard.”

“We deserve a vote in this!  If the food tax deserved a vote, then this level of debt, which will hang around our necks for 30 years, absolutely does, too. “

“I say go to circuit court and force the city to have a bond election.”

“The city manager absolutely has too much power but it isn’t just these things on this checklist.”

“Thank you for doing this for our community!”

“Question:  What do you call a superfluous $12,000,000 “tourist facility”, that can’t be used during tourist season due to parking or harming existing local venues?  Answer:  A finance sham, disingenuously serving as a funding stream scheme for the similarly boated CH/PD projects.  All 3 projects are needed in some form, but not at these grandiose price-points.  It is simple to see how over-the-top these are by comparing similar towns’ spend on their own facilities.”

“I look forward to being part of a group of citizens that will work to retain control of our community.”

“I sent emails to all council members and mayor briefly stating that I do not support this level of expenditure, that if they are so sure that they represent those who live in Cannon Beach then there is no reason not to offer a vote.”

“We appreciate all the time, effort, and energy this group has already exerted in trying to retain our village character and fragile environment.”

“Let's VOTE!”


“I agree that new city hall and police station is needed—should be staggered and cost reductions need to be more carefully vetted, and certainly NOT the Tsunami risk old primary school excessive $12 million revision! I don't think the vote would be even close, which is why they are trying to pass it without a vote.”

“YES , to all of the above. Let’s do this together!!!”

“Hopefully we can effect change sooner rather than later!”

“Thank you so much for creating this group and helping us speak out for the benefit of the community. Keep On Truckin'!”

“I support and believe in the goals of Cannon Beach Together “

*All testimonial submissions are subject to approval. Personal attacks and disrespectful language will not be tolerated.