Thank you!
We want to share our gratitude for your support.
When Cannon Beach Together formed our goal was simple: give the community a voice and let everyone weigh in on significant spending projects.
We’re proud to say that, in terms of Measure 4-234, the community has spoken—decisively.
While Cannon Beach Together has achieved a significant portion of our original goals, we feel there is more work to be done.
We plan to remain engaged and continue seeking consensus for the responsible stewardship of the town we love.
We’ll be in touch soon.
Until then, Thank You!
Where’s the plan?
Ballots are here. In them, you'll be asked to vote on Measure 4-234, which will turn the old school into a high-end tourist facility.
Besides the 30-year debt, the duplication of services, the grandiose designs, here's another important reason to vote NO:
There's no plan.
There are parts of a plan.
But no real plan.
For instance, will the new events center host weddings and other private rentals?
Unclear at this time. Even proponents like those on city council will tell you this: they haven't made up their minds whether or not to allow private functions.
Yet we're supposed to make up our minds on whether or not to allow and finance a facility whose uses are totally up in the air?
How is this possible?
Why haven't these decisions been made already?
Why are we being asked to vote on an unfinished plan?
Is it because council and proponents know that once they secure the vote to finance and build the upscale tourist center that there will be no way to stop them from allowing private rentals like weddings?
Much has been made about the many meetings that led to the design of the building.
But why, in those many meetings, is there still not a full-fledged operations plan? Why don't we know what really will happen at the facility?
Sure makes you wonder...
But that's not all.
Financial operation plans for the facility are lacking. There has been no Pro Forma financial statement. No real projection of revenue or costs. Just a few guesses by a citizen committee.
And, again, no set of rules or policies about what will and *won't* be allowed at the facility.
Asking us to approve millions of dollars and 30-years of spending is irresponsible.
Vote NO on Measure 4-234. We can do better.
A History of Mismanagement
In the span of three years, redevelopment costs tripled. Why?
If the proposed tourist facility/former school renovation costs $12.6 million, why on earth did we take out a ~$4million bond three years ago?
It’s simple. Because that’s originally what the refurbishment was supposed to cost—before the project was mishandled.
Don't take our word for it.
It's spelled out right here, in documents from a city council meeting in October, 2021, prepared by city staff.
The documents from the city manager show that “The total estimated budget for this Project is $3,700,000.”
This was a critical juncture for the project as public support was built upon the supposition of a sub-$4 million re-development.
What would the community have thought if the now $12.6 million price tag had been shown from the beginning? Would support have developed rapidly? Or would more have told the Council to go back to the drawing board? (As so many did throughout.)
A proper accounting most certainly would've changed the public process; how can one tout an "open" and"honest” public process when the figures were so inaccurate?
Forget blaming the pandemic. Remember: the document stating the rejuvenation budget of $3.7 million was prepared and presented in October of 2021--a year-and-a-half into the pandemic.
By mid 2022—when the projects were still supposedly on schedule—the redevelopment cost had doubled to $8 million.
Then more lavish options were chosen. The costs kept climbing to the current figure of $12.6 million.
So… what happened? How did these prices spiral out of control, more than tripling in the span of three years? (Which, by the way, far outpaces the costs of construction increases seen around the nation.)
The answer can only be one thing. Either:
A.) the initial costs were grossly understated due to mismanagement;
B.) the initial costs were grossly understated to build initial public support and momentum—a purposeful misleading
Regardless of the reason, we can be sure that this project is an absolute boondoggle.
Bait and switches are not acceptable. Nor is mismanagement.
Vote NO on measure 4-234 and tell your representatives we expect better.
Is this what we want?
Just over a week ago the City permitted a wedding at Necus Park. There was tailgating, tiki torches, electric lights and around 25 cars, many of which were parked on the grass.
This is before the City invests $12.6 million in creating a high-end tourist and events facility.
Imagine how many out of town groups will want to have even bigger parties after the upgrade to a extravagant event center?
Vote NO vote on Ballot Measure 4-234.
We can do better.
It’s a boon·dog·gle
CBE School Rejuvenation Project is a Boondoggle
“work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of having value.”
“waste money or time on unnecessary or questionable projects.”
From the beginning this project has been changing and morphing as it has grown in size, scope and cost. At first it was projected to be a $4 million dollar project that would serve as an event and community center. To that end the city of Cannon Beach sold bonds (totaling 4.6 million dollars) in March, 2022.
Today the former Cannon Beach Grade School has evolved into an inflated, $12.4 million luxurious state of the art tourist facility and community center.
The reality is its too expensive. Located in a Tsunami zone with no parking and a cap on the maximum number of attendees at 300. With a proposed annual operating budget of up to $500,000 per year. It sounds like a financial black hole.
We support the idea that the site should honor the heritage of the Clatsop – Nehalem tribes and the Cannon Beach Community Food pantry as well as other non-profit organizations. But let us explore more affordable and fiscally responsible options such as the development of a thoughtfully considered “Longhouse” and park improvements at half the cost of this proposed albatross.
Please consider a NO vote on Ballot Measure 4-234.
-Patrick and Lisa Nofield
Success! Our Initiative to Require Votes on Big Debt Qualified for the Ballot!
In late-July you might've seen us with pens and clipboards: gathering signatures to put an initiative on the ballot.
The idea behind the initiative is simple: ensuring Cannon Beach voters have a say when the city seeks debt on big projects costing $5 million or more.
The community response to this proposal was overwhelmingly positive.
In just three days we collected over 200 signatures--at least 80 more than we needed.
Thank you. You made this possible.
The initiative, which hands power back to the community,will be on the ballot in May of 2025. (We'd hoped to make the November election.)
While nothing city staff or Council can do will prevent this proposal from going to voters, Council will decide how to approach our initiative at a meeting on Tuesday, August 13th.
Council has the following options: 1.) adopt the initiative (which will still require a vote because the proposal would amend the city charter); 2.) take no action (the initiative will go straight to a vote in May); 3.) reject the measure (again, the initiative would still be sent to voters, despite that rejection); and 4.) reject the proposal and create a competing measure that would be sent to voters alongside the original initiative.
We hope Council will adopt the initiative as proposed.
Should Council attempt to craft a competing measure, we hope they will do so in a manner that meets the spirit of our original intention.
To be sure: we believe our initiative has been written purposefully, with the goal of increasing civic participation. Factors like inflation and revenue growth are built in to our proposal; as our town and our tax receipts increase, the amount of debt allowed to be incurred before triggering a vote will increase in tandem.
Also, emergency spending will not be hamstrung by our initiative. In case of emergency, Council will remain free to spend without voter approval.
But when it comes to discretionary projects--like buildings costing over $5 million--a vote would be required.
Because when it comes to big projects in our little town, we believe the people deserve a voice.
Bigger than Cannon Beach: CBT Files Appeal
While noting that $33.6 million is a significant expenditure for such a small community, a Clatsop County judge interpreted Oregon statutes narrowly and dismissed our injunction.
Despite this setback, we remain resolute in our belief that debt-spending of such magnitude by government deserves a vote of the people, and that Oregon law enshrines that right to petition.
As such, we have filed an appeal in Oregon state courts.
While this unchecked debt-spending represents a great risk to our community, the issue at hand is bigger than just Cannon Beach.
It's about the entire state of Oregon.
As it stands, government officials devised a way to avoid due democratic process in financing capital projects.
We, along with our legal counsel, believe that public officials have bypassed the intent of state law. We're putting our resources on the line to set a civic precedent that serves all Oregonians.
We hope Oregon's appeals court will restore local oversight for every community.
A schedule for the appeal is forthcoming.
Regardless, our fundamental question remains: Why is Cannon Beach's city council afraid of a vote?
In the meantime, we’re taking steps to ensure future big spending decisions always include Cannon Beach voters. More on that soon.
Costs Increase Another Quarter Million
Architects and construction managers at Tuesday’s City Council meeting delivered an update on the Elementary School Tourism Rejuvenation project.
The news: costs have increased another quarter-of-a-million dollars.
The latest figures—from a “50% Cost Estimate” of still unfinished construction documents—showed that since the end of February, estimates on the total price tag have jumped at least $252,703.00.
(Current documents show the total for renovating the school into a high-end tourist facility sit at somewhere between $12,433,868 and $12,631,434.)
The increases were not due to inflation but rather soft and hard costs related to planning, construction, material and design choices.
While City Council spent plenty of time discussing design choices—color hues, product samples and such—very little time or concern was shown for this latest round of cost increases.
As this was a “50% progress update,” we wonder: will this be the last time the price tag will rise?
If history is any guide, expect the costs to keep going up.
Side note: it seems the increase of $199,423 for improvements to the Food Bank are not being included in the Rejuvenation budget; they will be paid for from the City’s General Fund. (Remember: the Food Bank is a separate nonprofit organization; it is not a City-run program.)
This nearly $200K of Food Bank improvements—a canopy and sewer extension—do not include the purchase price of new portables, which are being proposed as well.
What Your Neighbors Are Saying
We added a “Testimonials” page to share the many inspiring comments we’ve been receiving since launching Cannon Beach Together. Check out what the community is saying and add yours today!
Citizens Seek Injunction to Refer $33.6 Million Bond to Voters
As the City of Cannon Beach continues in its attempts to sidestep voter approval of a controversial $33.6 million spending package, a group of concerned citizens have filed for an injunction.
The filing in Clatsop Circuit Court seeks to pause the $33.6 million bond sale and ultimately place the issue on the ballot.
"All we're asking for is a vote," says Hannah Buschert a third-generation Cannon Beach motel operator and subject of the filing. "Democracy is not something to be afraid of."
Along with Buschert, Cannon Beach Together believes not only that voters deserve to be heard on such a consequential issue, but that Oregon state law affords them that right.
Oregon statute (ORS 287A.150) makes it clear: when a public body passes a bond resolution it must wait 60 days so citizens are afforded the time and opportunity to petition that bond and refer it to the ballot.
Yet the City of Cannon Beach is plainly attempting to circumvent the statute by cloaking the $33.6 million bond resolution as an "administrative action," rather than the bond resolution it very much is.
"The city could have easily sent this $33.6 million bond to a vote of the people," says Randy Neal, a homeowner and member of Cannon Beach Together. "A vote could've been scheduled for May's election. That would've avoided any delay and fit the project timeline."
"We believe these projects are too big and too expensive to undertake without hearing from the whole community," Neal says.
"We want everyone to be heard," Buschert adds. "And rather than attempting to obstruct our rights as citizens, we want our city to honor those rights. We want our city to follow the law.”
Seeking to Spend $33.6 Million, Cannon Beach “insists voter approval is unnecessary.”
Last week we submitted a petition to the City of Cannon Beach to put $33.6 million in proposed spending on the ballot.
Our request was swiftly denied.
As the Daily Astorian wrote in Saturday's paper: "City insists voter approval is unnecessary."
We believe when it comes to such an enormous and unprecedented spending proposal, voter approval is absolutely necessary.
We also believe it is the law.
Oregon statute (ORS 287A.150) makes it plain: when a public body passes a bond resolution it must wait 60 days so citizens are afforded the time and opportunity to petition that bond and refer it to a vote.
City officials know this and they're trying to side-step our rights to petition.
Ask yourself: why are our representatives scared of a vote?
Do they know that a $12.6 million-dollar high-end tourist facility is not what the community envisioned? Do they know they're spending excessively on a new City Hall while our neighbors in Manzanita are paying around half as much per square foot?
Do they know they don't have the support of their community?
To be clear: City Council could easily send this $33.6 million bond to a vote of the people. There's nothing stopping them. If the city had its ducks in a row, a vote could've been scheduled for May's special election. That would've avoided any delay. Indeed, a May election would've fit almost perfectly in their projected timeline.
So, how are city officials trying to deprive us of our right to vote?
They're calling this bond sale an "administrative action." But what does that "administrative action" do? Give the city manager absolute power to seek a $33.6 million dollar bond and circumvent our right to petition using legalese in the process.
Does this seem right to you? Does it seem fair? Does it seem honest?
It certainly doesn't to us.
We're currently looking at all options going forward. Because unlike the city, we believe your voice matters.
As the city attempts to disregard the votes and voices of citizens, we want to know how you feel.
We're considering adding a "Community Voices" section to our website, giving folks the chance to share your thoughts on what's going on.
Testimonials in this section would be anonymous. (If you want your name posted with your comment you must explicitly say so: "I agree to have my named used on the website.")
Personal attacks, defamation, profanity and other inappropriate comments will not be posted. We reserve the right to reject any comments.
Email your testimonial to:
Cannon Beach Together Seeks Referendum on $33.6 Million in Proposed Spending
The City of Cannon Beach is preparing to issue $33.6 million dollars in bonds for three major capital projects, including $12.6 million dollars for a high-end tourist facility.
Cannon Beach Together believes voters deserve a voice in this $33 million dollar decision.
We are a diverse group of community members who love our town and are committed to responsible spending and stewardship. We believe in seeking consensus and community-based solutions. We strive to preserve our village character as envisioned in the city’s comprehensive plan. We believe cost savings are attainable.
We also believe that development and risk of such consequence requires a vote. That’s why we’re seeking a referendum to place this $33 million dollar question on the ballot.
Cannon Beach Together filed an initial referendum petition with the City of Cannon Beach on Monday, April 22nd.
Historically, Cannon Beach has cherished voter input on major decisions. Our leaders have referred significantly lesser spending projects including the purchases of our wastewater treatment facility and the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve, as well as the adoption of the Prepared Food Tax.
For reference, the City of Cannon Beach’s debt on a single project has never before exceeded approximately $5 million. With these three new proposed projects—a City Hall, Police Station and high-end tourist facility—Cannon Beach’s debt will near $40 million.
While the proposed costs of these construction projects dwarf any in the city's history by an order of magnitude, we question why citizens are being left out?
Many in the community are concerned about high prices as well as the scope of this urbanization package. While we support these projects in concept, we observe that our leaders have followed consultants and staff down paths towards excess and questionable need. We’re asking for more scrutiny and we believe significant cost savings are attainable.
Meanwhile, neighboring cities along the coast—such as Manzanita and Astoria—are undertaking similar projects at significantly reduced costs. In some cases, our neighbors are poised to pay around half as much per-square-foot as we are for similar projects (see Manzanita’s plan for a new City Hall and Police Station).
Furthermore, we question the decision not only to undertake these three massive projects simultaneously, but to stack them all on a single, tenuous funding source.
If tourism experiences a disruption over the next 30 years—which history suggests is likely--the city will still have to pay. Cannon Beach’s “full faith and credit” will be on the line. Disruptions could come at a cost of reducing core city services. At worst, this profligate spending could bankrupt our city.
At best, these projects will sap Cannon Beach’s ability to adapt, grow and deliver in other areas.
Taken together, these projects, their scope and exorbitant costs are dividing Cannon Beach. To begin healing, it’s time for all voices to be heard.
Cannon Beach Together is a registered political action committee. Its membership is diverse and inter-generational, including representatives of the lodging and restaurant industries, artists, craftspeople, retirees, service industry employees, business owners, renters and more.