Cannon Beach Together is a diverse group of community members seeking consensus for the responsible stewardship of the town we love.
Thank you!
We want to share our gratitude for your support.
When Cannon Beach Together formed our goal was simple: give the community a voice and let everyone weigh in on significant spending projects.
We’re proud to say that, in terms of Measure 4-234, the community has spoken—decisively.
While Cannon Beach Together has achieved a significant portion of our original goals, we feel there is more work to be done.
We plan to remain engaged and continue seeking consensus for the responsible stewardship of the town we love.
We’ll be in touch soon.
Until then, Thank You!
Candidate Forum
Thanks to everyone who came out, the candidates, and Debbie Boone for hosting.
Where’s the plan?
Ballots are here. In them, you'll be asked to vote on Measure 4-234, which will turn the old school into a high-end tourist facility.
Besides the 30-year debt, the duplication of services, the grandiose designs, here's another important reason to vote NO:
There's no plan.
A History of Mismanagement
In the span of three years, redevelopment costs tripled. Why?
If the proposed tourist facility/former school renovation costs $12.6 million, why on earth did we take out a ~$4million bond three years ago?
It’s simple. Because that’s originally what the refurbishment was supposed to cost—before the project was mishandled.
Don't take our word for it.
It's spelled out right here, in documents from a city council meeting in October, 2021, prepared by city staff.
Those documents from the city manager show that “The total estimated budget for this Project is $3,700,000.”
Is this what we want?
Just over a week ago the City permitted a wedding at Necus Park. There was tailgating, tiki torches, electric lights and around 25 cars, many of which were parked on the grass.
This is before the City invests $12.6 million in creating a high-end tourist and events facility.
Imagine how many out of town groups will want to have even bigger parties after the upgrade to a extravagant event center?
It’s a boon·dog·gle
CBE School Rejuvenation Project is a Boondoggle
“work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of having value.”
“waste money or time on unnecessary or questionable projects.”
From the beginning this project has been changing and morphing as it has grown in size, scope and cost. At first it was projected to be a $4 million dollar project that would serve as an event and community center. To that end the city of Cannon Beach sold bonds (totaling $4.6 million dollars) in March, 2022.
Today the former Cannon Beach Grade School has evolved into an inflated, $12.4 million luxurious state of the art tourist facility and community center.
The reality is it is too expensive. Located in a Tsunami zone with no parking and a cap on the maximum number of attendees at 300. With a proposed annual operating budget of up to $500,000 per year. It sounds like a financial black hole.
We support the idea that the site should honor the heritage of the Clatsop – Nehalem tribes and the Cannon Beach Community Food pantry as well as other non-profit organizations. But let us explore more affordable and fiscally responsible options such as the development of a thoughtfully considered “Longhouse” and park improvements at half the cost of this proposed albatross.
Please consider a NO vote on Ballot Measure 4-234.
-Patrick and Lisa Nofield
Who Is Cannon Beach Together?
Cannon Beach Together is made up of the people who keep our town running.
We are small business owners, restaurant workers, independent craftspeople, innkeepers, artists, realtors, volunteers and more.
We are not industries.
We are your neighbors.
What We Believe
We believe that all citizens deserve a vote.
We believe that $37 million is too much.
We believe in the concept of these projects.
We believe that costs savings are attainable.
We believe that bigger is not always better.
We believe in responsible stewardship.
We believe in seeking consensus.
We believe in community solutions.
We believe in fiscal responsibility.
We believe in the comprehensive plan.
Do you support a $12 million dollar tourist facility with no parking? Does that fit our village character?
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